Journey to net zero supply chain for wholesaler

Journey to net zero supply chain for wholesaler

Having won praise for its many and varied sustainability actions, Castell Howell Foods has taken things a step further

Announcing a collaboration with carbon partner Auditel, the Caterforce member has ambitious plans to create a fully sustainable supply chain.

“Our supply chains extend across Wales, the UK and globally and we recognise that we have a responsibility to address the environmental impact of our operation and of the 14,000 products sold,” said Matt Lewis, managing director, Castell Howell Foods.

“We’ve been completing the mandatory energy reporting and have invested to reduce our energy use and emissions,,” he said.

“However, to be considered as net zero market leaders we need to employ the services of external professionals. Consequently, we have partnered with Auditel to advise and help steer us through the challenges that lie ahead.”

The Welsh wholesaler, who recently won The Grocer Gold Regional Wholesaler of the Year award, has already committed to be net zero by 2050 with its carbon reduction plan.

The business has already installed LED lighting and solar panels and invested in a new refrigeration system and vehicles, including an electric multi-temperature delivery vehicle. More recently, it has carried out a life-cycle assessment of its organic salmon and a carbon audit with NFU Energy at two farms that supply Welsh beef.


While these are significant sustainable actions, it is clear that the wholesaler’s ambitions stretch much further. “Our aim is to be market leaders in the food supply chain, working with colleagues, customers and suppliers to achieve a net zero supply chain,” explained Matt. “We have been developing relationships with suppliers for numerous years and this partnership will help to further strengthen our message.”

Accurate measurements of scope 1 and scope 2 impacts are critical for the wholesaler to be able to establish an accurate baseline.

“From here we can work across our supply chain to evaluate our scope 3,” said Matt.

“Many of our customers and suppliers are on a similar journey and it’s important that our part in the supply chain is independently verified and that our targets are aligned with theirs and are pragmatic, realistic and achievable.”